Unexpected Sun
The snowfall continued a little into today but a rather weak sun started to shine through the fine falling flakes and eventually the snow cleared up and the sun got stronger.
We'd had something of a disturbed night so all day today we've both been a bit tired. However, we did drag ourselves out for a short walk and a breath of fresh air. It felt good and gave us both photos for blip. I stayed out at the end of the walk and pushed myself to do some some strategic snow-clearing around the camper van. It's going to be cold until Friday (so not much melting) when I have to pull the cover off the camper and back it out of it's winter space, ready to drive south on Saturday.
Saturated with fresh-air I returned inside and read my book. Jan was snoozing next me but I managed to stay awake.
Looks like another early night calls!
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