
By Hamp5on


Tux is never too far away from Asha... He was keeping an eye on what she was drawing!

An early start at church. The place we hold church belongs to Alanna's family, it's a wedding venue and last night was a wedding! So everything needed to be set up again for church, and brought out of storage etc... It was our final session of Alpha, looking at healing. A tricky topic for many. It was a bit of a mind blowing time really. We all came away elated and exhausted!
The rest of the day was r&r. Asha and Hayley began drawing a 'fantasy map' yesterday. You throw rice onto paper and then draw around it, creating little and large islands. They've added in sea creatures, ship wrecks, lakes and rivers etc... Great for getting imaginative. They put 2 huge papers together to do it so have each taken half to work on. Nate was inspired and has started a smaller one, though he's clearly more drawn to naming the places than drawing details.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A morning we won't forget in a hurry.
2) The privilege of praying with people.
3) A chilled home-based afternoon. 

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