Feeling better

Mom was doing good and we were discharged at about 1:30pm.
I took her home and got her settled into bed and said that I was going home to my own bed but would be back later.
I thought she’d sleep for at least a couple hours being that she hadn’t really had any sleep.
I went home and gradually unwound a bit. Just at the point that I put my foot on the bottom stair to go up to bed, I got a phone call rom mom. She was up and all upset because she had just been ‘dumped’.
I knew she didn’t necessarily mean it that way but my blood boiled! I was so tired.
I went to her and calmed her down and sorted her out and made food and drink for her …
I knew I’d need to stay at her house overnight. I’d been supposed to be going to games night and I really just wanted to be with my ‘tribe’ however, I’d just have cried because that was all I could do I was so tired.
I got a dominoes pizza and went to bed about 10pm.

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