Somewhere behind all those posters and inside the unlit ‘reception desk’? there was someone playing oni their phone expecting me to register the fact that my mom had arrived!
Another full day at school, second parent’s evening and a message from Stewart just before I finished to say that mom was unwell and that he and Maralyn were with her.
Mom has had sickness and diarrhoea yesterday. I thought when I left her late at night that she was settled and ok again. Seems not. Lyndsey even came over to help them change the bed.
I cleaned the place and kept an eye on mom. She wasn’t settled and started having a panic attack. I calmed her down but I was worried that she was dehydrated as she still hadn’t been able to keep anything, even sips of water, down.
I eventually called 111 and they made an appointment for us with the out of hours doctor at Airedale hospital for 10:15pm. Great, thought I, it’s not just sitting for hours in A&E waiting to be seen when mom can’t sit.
The doc took her temp and it was extremely low. I thought he said 24 degrees but maybe I misheard him and it was 34 being that she was actually still responsive.
Anyway, he said we needed to be admitted into A&E so they could warm her up and rehydrate her.
So, into A&E we went but because we went through the out of hours doctor, we didn’t have to wait for ages. Mom was taken straight away into a room and given a ‘bear hug’ blanket. It had hot air blowing through it. And was given two bags of fluids.
So, that was us for the night!
I couldn’t fault the A&E department. We were well looked after with cups of tea and biscuits and even a dry ham sandwich for me at 2:40am being that I had had no dinner and only tried to fill up on cereal bars, crisps and chocolate bars!
Why is it that in a hospital the only food readily available to you is crisps and chocolate?
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