An ordinary life....

By Damnonii


Today has been a strange day in my recovery, but not unexpected.

I have read and been told, that two weeks into recovery I should expect bouts of exhaustion where I feel as if my energy has just drained away, and that happened today.

After my shower I usually feel refreshed and ready to face the day but this morning I didn't even have the energy to go into my wardrobe to chose a top to wear.  D to the rescue.  Top chosen and finally dressed.

After lunch I managed to make chicken stock from the chicken carcass and root veggies that will be frozen and used to make chicken soup another day.

Sunshine was promised but didn't appear till 3pm.  D took himself over to the golf course and I got settled in my comfy chair and re-started the blanket for my friend's grand-daughter due in July.  

I started it yesterday but kept losing a stitch somewhere.  Today I found a new but similar pattern and gave it a go instead.  SO much better and easier and a joy to crochet.  I had hoped to get a bit further on with it but my eyelids got heavy and I gave in and had a wonderful snooze.

Dinner was an easy picky tea...italian meats, cheeses, salad, hummus, salmon pate, artichokes, sun-dried tomatoes and mozzarella, and olives.  Yum.

We had planned to watch a film but we both fell asleep.  I woke just after midnight feeling completely disoriented after dreaming I was on a cruise!  Thought I might not sleep when I got to bed, but I did :-)

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