Rosy red
More from the garden on a lovely sunny morning. I noticed the flowers were appearing in the Flowering Currant last week, today they are starting to open.
An unusual service at church this morning as we seemed to have no electric in the main church. We had trouble at choir last Monday when we couldn't get the lights to work at the front of church where we sit to practice. Today nothing was working so we decamped to the adjacent family room, it was quite good as it felt full but poor A, our curate, couldn’t use her prepared power point!
After the service Chris, being the warden, took another look and got them working. He got it working by ‘jiggling the circuit breakers’ his words! There has been an electrician in recently updating the distribution boards I think someone needs to talk to him!
A bit cloudier when I walked home but the sun is out again now and my bedding is drying well ( pshh it’s Sunday)
Today is apparently Covid 19 - Day of Reflection as it’s unbelievably 5 years ago. Lockdown hadn’t started as we were In London 5 years ago tomorrow to see Upstart Crow. It was a sellout and the following week it was closed like everything else including our planned trip to Cadiz for our wedding anniversary!
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