Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Grey Wagtail #34

We took a trip over to Yarrow Valley Country Park this morning to look for dippers. We did see a pair, but they were not in a particularly accessible place for photography, but it was great to watch them between the branches, diving and feeding in the flowing river. 
We also came across a pair of grey wagtails who looked to be prospecting for a nest site as they kept rooting around the ivy on the walls of the river. 

We were on the bridge just after we'd arrived and we bumped into my photographer friend from camera club and his wife. They'd been there for nearly 3 hours already!  That's what proper birders do I told my husband who has to be dragged out of bed each day ;)

Came home, did shopping on the way and then after lunch watched the Six Nations. I popped over to Moss Lane again as it looked like a nice evening but once again the single hare that I saw in the field was quite far away. 

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