
By ayearinthelife

Guitar Shopping

Almost exactly a year ago, I blipped a photo of Stuart’s guitars. At that time I think the collection totalled between 12 & 15. Whilst listening to a couple of new song ideas in his studio today, I took another picture, for comparison purposes.
There have been several departures from the collection over the past twelve months, but usually because something new/different has come along.
At first glance, it looked as if the current collection is the same numerically - if not cosmetically - as last year. But appearances are deceptive. Not only were there a few guitars hanging on the wall behind me but three more had been taken out this morning in readiness for a gig tonight. Not to mention the one that lives in the band rehearsal room.
We agreed that the current total is probably 24. This is definitely more than twelve months ago, but I would hesitate to suggest it is the final number.
I shall be intrigued to see what the collection looks like next March…

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