Ups and Downs
It was one of those chaotic days when nothing seems to work out right - at least the first time. I wasn't really in the mood for chaos and challenges; I was still dragging myself around recovering from whatever, just trying to muster up enough energy to get through the day...
First on my list was to get my lung x-ray and I was up with the sun in order to get there for 8:00AM..only to find that the technician was ill and the lab was closed for the day! Downer. But I needed that x-ray, so I sought out on my phone, another lab in the area and yeah - I found a good one - but it didn't open until 9:00. Drat. But the good news? I would be first in line! And the upside? I liked it better than my usual lab so will go there from now on. Bonus.
I was dreading a couple of bureaucratic challenges that had raised their ugly heads yesterday and would have to be dealt with today. I was feeling quite stressed about them, so dropped by the lake en route home to clear my head and relax a bit. I can usually find peace near it was a good plan. I did go home feeling more up for the challenge and was able to calmly deal with both, and both were easily resolved. I had fretted over naught.
While I was walking the beach, I was reminded of some little wooden hearts with encouraging messages written on them that a fellow blipper had mailed to me throughout my hospital and recovery times. I thought of the "peace" one and how appropriate it was for the chaotic times we are in; when I got home, I took it out of its card and will now carry it in my pocket to remind me to seek that feeling of peace and calmness next time things go awry and appear to be overwhelming.
And then there was the demise of the dying tulips...the unexpected demise. I had been saving them for emergency blips and they had finally reached that perfect stage of death for artsy photos..until Sherri, my cleaner found them! I came home to a nicely washed empty vase! Tulips begone! Oh the greater scheme of things....
In the end, my anticipated bad day was not nearly as bad as I had feared. And Maggie helped too. I think she withholds her cuteness in order to bring it out just when I need a chuckle. (extra)
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