
By Marionb

One Bright Spot..

... in a day that needed it! 

Of my three Christmas cacti, two are re-blooming! What's with that? They re-bloom? Whatever....they sure add a little joy to my craft room...and to me, of course, when in the craft room....

I have not been feeling well lately and decided to drag myself out of bed once again (see yesterday) to get to my doctor's evening walk-in clinic...just to check that my symptoms weren't leaning toward pneumonia. (Been there, done that...not interested in doing it again...)

Well, the good news is that my lungs sounded ok, but just to be sure, the doctor ordered a lung x-ray; unfortunately it was "after hours" so I will have to go tomorrow morning....early. X-rays here are on a walk-in it is good to get there early to avoid hanging out in a waiting room full of sick people. 

There is so much illness happening these days - lots of flu and viral infections, so if you have to go to such places, you are apt to come out with more health issues than you went in with! Best to get in and out before the crowds. 

This has been a difficult week for bad news ...political news, world news..and also news about friends and neighbours who are dealing with scary diagnoses or undergoing tests that could lead to scary diagnoses.It never seems to end. 

It may take a little more than a blooming cactus to brighten the days ahead! 

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