Not So Privy…
The property has recently changed hands and the new owners are making a lot of radical changes - including knocking down the car port and a side extension. This has revealed a brilliant ‘feature’… an outside privy!!
Not sure why they have left this standing when pretty much everything around it has been demolished!!
I suspect that it will not remain for long..but in the meantime it makes a great Silly Saturday blip for me - thanks to davidc for hosting!!
Feeling much better after my recent cold - had a couple of good nights sleep after following a tip from a fellow blipper to put a pad with a few drops of Olbas Oil next to the air intake of my CPAP machine…it made a huge difference and allowed me to breathe!!
Another silly shot added as an extra today. Entitled “Don’t Go”…80s pop icons Vince and Alf discarded at the roadside… :-)
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