
By TonyG

Glory of the Snow

Chionodoxa.   In it's native haunts it flowers as the weather warms and the snow melts away.   In gardens, as the weather warms a little with the approach of spring.   It can spread by seeds when happy, maybe the three that have so far survived here will do that ... or maybe not ( I planted 20!)    

I spent the morning finishing the packing and doing last minute chores.   After lunch, with the car well packed, I set off for Ruth's, arriving in time for a hot meal which she was preparing, easier for her now she has an adapted kitchen :-)  

During the evening a friendly neighbour from up the road came round to borrow a power bank - this area has been having random power cuts recently which affect random properties, so far never Ruth's.  While he was here he was able to help us move Ruth's, very heavy, new bed into place.   The rest of the evening I have revisited tomorrows talk and we watched Death in Paradise together.

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