On This Day

By Tweedy

Sweet Peas

I'm not sure if this really counts for Flower Friday but there will, I hope, eventually be flowers. Some healthy looking sweet pea seedlings which I'm carefully tending.  They should be developing long, strong roots. 

Yesterday afternoon, once I returned from the trip to Perth, I set to and cleared, tidied and cleaned the potting shed. I don't understand how it becomes so grubby in the winter when I'm not working in it. It was quite a workout and I'm pleased with my efforts. It looks good for the time being. 

This morning I spent more time in the garden getting ready for more seed sowing. I found some unidentifiable seeds which I've stuck into compost in the hope that something useful might emerge.  Then I made a Christmas cake from an extra zero waste kit I'd picked up before New Year. It makes a really good fruit cake and doesn't have to be a festive one at all. 

I have some prep to do for visitors tomorrow which I'm going to sort out as soon as I've blipped. Just a bit of minor dusting is required. At least I hope it's minor. 

Today is our younger granddaughter's birthday. Happy birthday to dear M - six today. She has a weekend of celebration ahead and we will see her tomorrow for gift giving and cake. She is the funniest, sparkiest child and absolutely adorable . I hope she has a really lovely day today. 

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