On This Day

By Tweedy


It's IWD today so to mark the occasion I'm blipping a collage of some of the women in my family. Here we have:
Top left: Christina (or Christian) Duncan (or Colville)
Top right: Isabella Charlotte Munn
Bottom left: Euphemia Smith Martin
Bottom right: Ellen Chapman 

Christina was a great, great, great, grandmother 
Isabella was a great, great grandmother 
Euphemia was a great grandmother 
Ellen was a great great grandmother 

I'd love to know what their characters were. 

Today will be spent in the company of contemporary women - my sister, daughter and two granddaughters (as well as other people of course). We're off to celebrate the newly six year old's birthday. My sister and BiL will be arriving soon so I need to scoot. Blip probably won't happen today. 

IWD is the birthday of one of my lifelong pals. What a day to be born. 

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