Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Paws-ing for a photo

Last night Gavin and I both very much enjoyed the play Unicorn, despite the topic being a little provocative and something obviously not considered by most married couples.I learnt last night that a unicorn is a modern term for a single bisexual woman who is willing to enter a relationship with both people in a couple. That is essentially what the play was about, the cast were all excellent even if I had doubts about the feasibility of such a scenario ever working in reality. Nicola Walker and Stephen Mangan played the happily married but somewhat bored couple and Erin Doherty was outstanding as the young single woman. The dialogue was very clever, quick witted and laugh out loud funny, Mike Bartlett at his best. Unfortunately right near the end of the play there was an enormous kerfuffle a few rows behind us when the whole row stood up to let someone out, I am not sure if someone desperately needed the toilet or whatever, but it was extremely disturbing for the rest of the audience and certainly the actors - although professionals that they are, they carried on regardless.

Today was another beautiful day, I hardly needed a jacket on my walk with Xena this morning as it was 15.5C and felt warm. After my walk I went to the hairdresser. We both love dogs and were talking about all the breeds we would have if we could have an unlimited number of dogs!

This afternoon I was very busy working on my project for the camera club. This month our camera club celebrates its 80th birthday, and in honour of this special event we are doing a postcard project whereby we choose a theme of something local to our area and prepare three postcards with a maximum of 5 photos per postcard on that theme, and an additional fourth postcard which explains the statement of intent. Some people are doing pub signs, churches or local nature. I have decided on the theme of our local woodlands, as Surrey is the most wooded county in England. I managed to start and finish all my postcards which will be discussed at our next meeting on Monday night.

Looking forward to this good weather continuing all weekend, although it gets slightly cooler again next week.

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