Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


I managed to sleep till 6am today so that's an improvement - those who know me will hardly be able to believe I said that, lol.
I got the cases unpacked finally and then headed out to Tesco to buy some soup and a baguette, Kathryn was coming to join us for lunch. It was lovely to have some time with her. She borrowed a couple of magnifying glasses for Eilidhs's book day costume. Eilidh's reading murder stories at the moment. We couldn't help with a school satchel though.
I did some of the mountain of paperwork that seems to have piled up while I was away after Katy had left, then collapsed for a nap. I'm so tired which is most unusual after I get back from India. I reckon it's age related. The weather has been good though so that has made the transition more pleasant.
When I became more compos mentis I packed up a dress I'd bought online to take to the PO to return. It's the second dress I've bought from the company which has been described as 'midi' but which has almost reached my ankles. I kept the first but this is going back, most annoying. I did consider taking it up, but it's a handkerchief hem so would involve a lot of work. I also considered taking it up from above the waist, but again it would get rather complicated, so back it goes. Disappointing though.
My blip is today's only picture, I'm pleased about the subject though. Last autumn I spotted a tiny shubunkin in the pond and realised that the fish had had at least one baby, today is proof that there are at least two of them.
No bridge for me tonight, I doubt if I could focus. We have to be at Ali's before eight tomorrow to look after the girls as her husband is away. Fortunately I seem to be more on the ball in the mornings.

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