Off to the islands
More dullness today, though I didn't mind too much as I had a lot to do indoors, or sitting in front of the computer more like. Although the date for the short story as mentioned on Monday's Blip is two months away, I had the urge to write something now and wrote a 750 word story in an hour! Then being unsure of the number of words required I emailed Colin Evans and he told me that the maximum was 250! Oh well!
More Photo Club stuff to deal with - our last competition was judged last night and I'm trying to get Photo Club members to vote on a list of competition subjects for next season. Like trying to get blood out of a stone!
After lunch I forced myself to go for a walk - not that far, just round the higher streets. I heard the announcements from a ferry about to leave - here she is, the 'Isle of Mull', though probably not going to Mull. I've lost count of what goes where these days!
Off to the library this evening. They're holding a writing meeting at 7pm, set up I think by the group Aye Right. They're inviting anyone to bring something to read out, or just to listen. I'm not exactly sure what's happening, but I've typed out a few things including the story I wrote this morning. We'll see!
Quote of the Day: 'The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.” - Thomas Jefferson .
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