Poems and gardens
The dull, damp weather goes on - I really did mean to walk down to the town this morning to buy a paper and one or two other things, but I chickened out and eventually took the car! Just not an inviting day to work outside either, though I do want to get on with my greenhouse staging.
I've spent most of the day catching up on indoor things. Getting ready for a committee meeting before the Photo Club this evening and finalising the March anthology for the u3a Poetry Group. We meet once a month and members choose a poem or two on the previously suggested subject to read out at the meeting. They also send me other poems on the same subject and I put the whole lot together and send it round to everyone. There are eighteen poems for this month plus a few limericks I add just to lower the tone - here’s one.
A plantsman who gardened with danger,
Grew a monstrously hairy Hydrangea.
Its excessive hirsuteness
Lost it some of its cuteness -
And 'twas cut to the ground by a stranger!
Well, quite! Next month's subject is 'Fools, follies and fantasies', which could be fun! Time to get the poetry books out.
I’ve also been trying to find a suitable travel insurance to cover a trip I’ll be making with Daughter One in May to the Burren in Ireland. It’s proving very hard to find a policy simply for travel and accommodation, without medical, baggage and all the other things. I'll keep on looking.
Quote of the Day: ‘If you cannot be a poet, be the poem.’ - David Carradine.
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