Homework Corner
Something I ate (well the chilli chicken at Din Tai Fung) did not agree with me so it was a disturbed night's sleep and a sore stomach that lasted well into the day. However, I didn't really matter as the weather conspired against doing anything other than staying in. There was cloud to start and then a real downpour.
I spent the time doing some cleaning in advance of my departure and updating the listing, which took ages. Hope it's worth it. I've got to replace some of the pictures but that will have to wait till next week. I also finished watching ep 4 of 'The Chief' which wouldn't play last night and out of curiosity the first ep of 'Meghan, with Love'. So schmaltzy and Delia or Nadiya it ain't. I'm with the BBC commentator who remarked that there is this intelligent, committed, politically aware woman educed to making candles and pretending to be a bee keeper. Everything was 'pretty' and she looked immaculate and you knew that she isn't really a stay at home Mom, that she has a team of folk behind her. But the US audience will love it and it will make her money. It really was the video equivalent of these lifestyle magazines you read at the hairdresser's or on planes.
For me it was a sarong day. Lunch never really happened and I finally showered and dressed after 3. Went to Jaya to get milk and other things and since I was starving I stopped off at 23.5 Roastery for a very fine Americano and a cake. I'd forgotten how good that place is. I reflected on fasting. I'd only gone without food for 6/7 hours and I could feel it was affecting me, but then I didn't have a huge meal before sunrise.
I realised I'd left my phone so the plan of buying a load of stuff for the apartment was put on hold, no access to my Loyalty Programme, so I just bought milk and a hook and took that back before going over to HK.
#1 son wanted to go up to H&M so I was left with the girls, doing their homework (Chinese of course) and my book. Sat on the balcony for a while but I was so tired I was finding it difficult to concentrate. About 6 the girls went to the play park and #1 son to do some exercise. I could have slept.
Dinner was Wok Hey take out while watching 'House of Games' and then the girls went off for their story and I came home. No swim tonight, just too shattered.
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