
By Teasel

Evening Sky

I have been outrageously busy today, as have many of my colleagues. I had two very urgent things to do, with senior colleagues chasing constantly. I find that infuriating, do they think we are sitting with our feet up? The reality is that they have requested/demanded stuff, which takes time, but gave given incredibly short deadlines.

I had no time to leave my desk all day, which is annoying, but probably good for my hip.

I was delighted to eventually leave the office tonight. I was running late for my bus, and was worried I had missed it, but it was running late. It was packed when it eventually turned up, but I did eventually get a seat, so didn’t have to stand all the way home.

We had leftover curry for tea, and it was probably better than when we had it at the weekend. I risked a very short walk, but came home and chilled on the sofa for a wee while.

There was still some light in the sky when I left the office this evening.

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