
Last night I couldn’t decide whether to go to the office or not today.  I was still not sure this morning but got up anyway and went to the office.  It wasn’t the best idea I have, as it was completely empty, bar me and one or two others.  There was no one from my team there at all.  It was quiet, which gave me peace to get on with a number of things. 
I popped out at lunchtime and lost track of time and got back slightly late for a meeting, then pretty much had an afternoon of back to back meetings.  While on one of those meetings, I spotted a mouse running about under the desks near where I was sitting.  Our office had a bad mouse infestation a number of years ago, so pest controllers were called in.   The mouse I saw will have family and friends, so I imagine we might need to get Rentokil back in.
When we left the house this morning it was daylight and it was still daylight when I left the office this evening – the days are certainly stretching out.
We had the rest of the chicken Balti pie for tea this evening – it was very tasty and BB got a taste of what he missed out on Friday.
BB didn’t  go to football training this evening due to his injuries – he’s totally focused on playing rugby on Saturday.
There was a lovely view along Princes Street when I left the office this evening.

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