Liquorice Park
For our Blips today we decided to revisit Liquorice Park along Yarborough Road, where we had been a couple of weeks ago and then Blipped something else instead. The sun shone today, unlike last time. That said, I liked the photos from last time better. I used my phone then, and just had my camera this time due to my phone having no charge.
Liquorice Park is an excellent community garden with veg, herbs, fruit and flowers growing there. There are winding little paths through the trees and bushes, with a selection of places to sit and relax as this lady is doing. The rubbish bins have all been customised and decorated, as you can see with this one!
We are now watching PSG v Liverpool in the Champion's League. It's 0-0, but Liverpool are living very dangerously - I don't know how they are not behind!
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