Everyday Life

By Julez

Town Again

This morning I went back to town for my appointment at Barclays to register the CoP order. It was much trickier there than the Halifax, and I'd expected it to be the other way round from previous experience. There were hoops to jump through, because back in the eons of time when my parents opened the account, my Mum had registered the account in the first name she is always known by, as opposed to the one on her birth certificate. So the account was in a different name to that on my documentation...

These days that would not be permitted I'm sure... Fortunately I had her birth certificate, marriage certificate and passport with the correct name on. I messaged Brian to bring her old passport down too - good job we live in town!

Even so, it took longer than expected and involved a lot of conferring with colleagues for the assistant. The Halifax just took my word for it... Strange how they have such different policies.

On my way home I popped into B&M as they had cat milk on offer for Minstrel, and I took this photo before coming home.

Who's having pancakes today? (I am!)

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