'Bubble....Bubble..Toil..And Trouble........!
Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble'..........................!!
No....not really....I'm not a Witch...!
how I love that piece from Macbeth......!!!
Sorry ...I'm getting carried away now.....
it's just the second batch of my Rhubarb and Raspberry Jam...
testing it for a set.......
turning out to be veeeeery popular jam this.....!!
Might even have to make more...
am 'begging' the rhubarb at this stage..as I've used my own..
(but, see some new sticks sprouting today)!
that's no problem as I know a couple of people with fresh stuff still....
not so lucky with the raspberries 'tho...have to buy frozen ones..
but they are working out fine...
This is the only pic I took today ..so it's an 'emergency' Blip....
had my 2 hours off again today ...Tuesday..yay...
visited my friend who lives in a nice spot on the edge of the Curragh...
and talk about 'barter'....just like the old days...!
I brought her two pots of jam...(she will get one of these too)....
and I came home laden down....
a pot of local Kildare Honey...thick ..solid..absolutely beautiful...you can smell the gorse and the heather on the Curragh from it..
A bag of freshly dug Spuds and a head of cabbage from her hubby's garden...
and a half-a-cake (Irish expression) of White Soda Bread....!!
It was a nice afternoon to sit...drink tea.. eat fresh Brown Bread...and have a catch-up chat...we used to work together and I miss the company...!!
Now...has anyone ever tried to make jam with a cat 'meowing and giving out..
rubbing up and down your legs..under your feet and trying in general to trip you up??????
well,...I was and had to leave my boiling pot ...at a crucial point to shake the Temptations and throw the Kitty out the back door...
before he or I got burnt...!
He didn't mind ...he got his own way again.......!!!!
Many thanks for all your lovely comments about Kitty's pictures yesterday...
oh...he was very pleased.....
Annie x
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