An empty #leithwalkshop. It says "Anaya" in the window, but I cannot find out anything about it. Once upon a time, it was Mamaison. Then I think it was Inform Signs, which now appears to be in Granton. And I never blipped it as that. Any insights will be welcome.
Meetings in the office in the morning, then I walked over to the RSE for a couple of meetings there. Thence to the Scottish Parliament for an RSE sponsored event about AI. As noted, quite a few of those at the moment. Mostly, I see the impact on education and research as likely to be negative, I'm afraid, detracting from critical thinking. Nothing was said yesterday to persuade me otherwise. I ended up talking to a couple of people with RSE connections about budgetary crunches, and such like. I didn't stay for the standing up organised networking. My idea of hell.
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