Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

The Swans Are Back!

Today has been good, but busy. Little Man had nursery and I had an appointment at the primary school where Little Man's nursery is in.

I went home and was able to get some things done around the house. I saw the swans in the water next to the house, grabbed my camera and headed out to get some photos. I think they found the camera shutter a tad annoying as they'd look up whenever I took a photo. They did hiss once, which resulted in my hissing back. I can't help but wonder if they're in search of somewhere to build a nest. I just hope it isn't anywhere near the house. Swans tend to be very protective of their nests and I really don't need a nesting pair of swans making my life difficult.

I collected Little Man from nursery and then came home. I had a call from the child and youth doctor about Little Man and I was able to book an appointment with her.

We had a quiet afternoon at home. Little Man had a lot of fun, playing with his toys. He also had some time in the garden. Now that the sun is out more and the weather is a lot warmer, I've been letting him play outside a lot more, which he's been really enjoying. It occasionally gives me the chance to do things inside (like the laundry), if Little Man doesn't insist on supervision. Sometimes he wants me to be outside with him.

This evening I decided to let Little Man stay up a bit longer than I normally would. He doesn't have nursery tomorrow so we can have a lie in.

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