Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Another Day

Little Man had an appointment today in Gouda, at the hospital. So he missed the first day back at nursery (the nursery were aware of the reason why he wasn't there). The results of the test came back normal and we have a game plan in place.

We biked to and from Gouda, which Little Man really enjoyed. I decided to bike as it was quicker getting to the hospital than it would have been if we'd decided to go with public transport. There are no busses running to Gouda from Driebruggen and it would have meant going via Woerden, with a lot of hanging around, waiting for the next bus.

We had a quiet afternoon, with plenty of time in the garden. Caleb came by with gifts. He got back from the Isle of Man yesterday evening and just wanted to pop in to check on us. It was great seeing him.

This is the only blip worthy photo I took today. My phone is still a tad temperamental when it comes to connecting to the network and I didn't want to stop on route to or from Gouda to take any photos as I wasn't sure if my phone might play up.

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