
By Tommie2

Bumble Bee on Joe Pye Weed

and a bee on a sunflower.
The last extra isn't a spider even though it looks like one.  Its a Long Legged Harvestman which superficially looks like a spider but has only one segment to its body (spiders have 2) and only 2 eyes (spiders have 6 - 8).

Last night we got 14 mm of rain over 3 hours.  Often torrential.  However when I spoke to our farmer neighbour, his electronic rain gauge said they got 34 mm. Admittedly their rain gauge is 500 metres  down the road so they may have got more rain than us but 20 mm differences seems a lot.  Our rain gauge is just a plastic one on the fence so not very accurate so I don't know how much rain we got but it was somewhere between 14 and 34 mm :-)) and the garden is looking brighter for receiving it. We are back to sunny weather today.,

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