While Jon and I were at yoga this evening Henry prepared the pancake batter. After we had finished dinner, Henry got stuck in to cooking them. Lucky me. We managed to squeeze enough juice out of the half a lemon that was in the fridge, to go between 6 pancakes. The bottle of lemon juice in the cupboard was best before 1/2022…not only that it should have been kept in the fridge and used within 4 weeks!! It has gone in the bin now.
I have some sad news to share. The past 2 months have been more than challenging for Jon’s family. Out of the blue his eldest niece Gemma was diagnosed with cancer in early January. She lost her short battle last Thursday, and it has left us all utterly devastated.
Gemma was just 39, and leaves a gaping hole in the family that nothing can possibly fill. We are still struggling to comprehend what has happened, and I don’t think we will ever understand, but we know one thing. Gemma will never be forgotten.
I remember when she was born. I was at college in Chester. It was 1985. Before mobile phones, so I had go to the phone box every night to ring Jon, so see if the long awaited new baby had arrived. In 1989 as a cute almost 4 year old, she was my bridesmaid. The first grandchild for Jon’s parents. She grew into a determined and competent young woman. An organiser. I’d turn to her for ideas. A wicked sense of humour, she was fun, caring and a dearly loved member of our family. Jon and I were fortunate enough to have visited her at her home on Jon’s 60th birthday 2 weeks ago. She was positive, and focussed on getting better. Her determination as always shining through. Sadly she lost her battle with the evil disease just 9 days later, and the world is a poorer place without her.
Gemma was my niece by marriage but no less my niece. I feel sad, angry and confused for her, for her mum, her brother, her sister. Our hearts are broken but Gemma would I’m sure want us to live and be happy. The family is drawn together, as we process our feelings, and support each other at what is the most difficult time.
RIP our lovely niece and cousin Gemma. You will be forever in our hearts.
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