
By MarilynParker

Garden and stuff

Was stiff and in pain with the muscles this morning due to all the kneeling, crouching and bending yesterday. Paracetamol did not help so I thought I would try a little walk to see if it loosened things up. No!
Therefore I decided to do more in the garden in my wisdom ha ha. More digging, more planting out and potting up, more weeding / moss removal and topping up with compost etc. 
I have had the kneeler / sitter contraption for a few years but rarely used it - it came out of the shed today and was fabulous. Obviously it's not used like I have it in the picture! I'd propped it there while I went for lunch.
The rails are very useful too as I struggle to get up from kneeling. This definitely makes things much easier. I don't know why I haven't been using it - it's not like it's heavy or unwieldy! The side rails fold for storage and it's very stable as both sitter or kneeler.
I am still hobbling around this evening but I hope the aches and pains will have worn off by tomorrow as I'm off geocaching.
Terry has been busy with the fencing and the new gate again. The new gate is finished but he will paint it tomorrow before he fits it.
I failed to take any photos on my walk and failed to take any of the planting out and potting up - must try harder. 
The hedgehog visited again last night and left its calling card.
I finished the Santa Montefiore book (Distant Shores) yesterday and it was a really good read. I've started one by Erica James (Airs and Graces) today. Not sure where I got it from but as a used book it's not very clean - I think it might have been from the charity shop as the ones I buy online are usually in excellent condition.

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