
By MarilynParker

A busy day

In the morning I got the washing underway and the first load dried in time to get the second one out before lunch.
I went to get the spade to dig out a shrub in the front garden (which was too close to another) and noticed the hedgehog is back - not that I saw it but it left its calling card ie some poo near the back lawn. Happy it's back. Terry had left food out for it and it had eaten quite a bit.
Dug out the small hibiscus and spent a good while sorting the space re weeds, roots, stones, moss before planting a small shrub which is slow-growing. No I am wondering if I should have planted a faster growing one to keep the weeds at bay!
The small hibiscus that I dug out is in a bucket of water till tomorrow when I will pop it in a pot till I decide what to do with it ie where to put it.
This afternoon I cut both lawns but just a light cut since it's the first cut of the year. They look better for it but the front lawn needs attention - not just the holes the squirrels have dug but a bald patch where I removed a patch of moss and there is a lot of thatch in the lawn which needs to be attacked. I didn't fancy using the electric rake today though. 
Cleaned the bathroom this afternoon and the shower including the trap and  despite a busy day I've not needed a nap - maybe I'm not doing enough on the days I feel tired!
The living room needs cleaning but I'd done enough today.
I feel much better having stopped that ranolazine. 
Terry has been busy too, repairing a length of fencing that he made by  our front path. He has made some new caps for the posts and he's in the process of making a new gate - which he will paint before putting it in position. See extra.

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