Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Ready for Flight

I wasn't going to post another pet pic today but then this happened.  No surprise, I'm a sucker for those ears.  When he was a puppy one of the ears would stand up sometimes which was just the cutest thing ever.  As he's matured into an adult dog, he can no longer hold either ear erect but he can do lots of other fun things with them.  In this shot, he'd just seen something out on the street (from the fenced backyard) and was about to commence barking - ears up and out, and tail up.  You can't see his tiny hackles, but they were up too.  I know he is fearsome in his own mind, but I just think he is adorable.  

I had my routine dentist visit today where a new hygienist cleaned my teeth.  She made me nervous as she fumbled about quite a bit with the X-rays and chattered non stop.  And, really, why do they wait until they have a bunch of tools jammed in their mouth and then start asking questions???  Anyway, the cleaning and scans were easy and I'm good for another six months.  I had to laugh to myself when the woman started telling me how she is having a small tattoo removed (it now goes against her religious beliefs, apparently?) and how she goes out of her way to try to convince young people not to get tattoos.  I should have asked her how she felt about 69-year old women getting them...  But I went for the path of civility.  She's entitled to feel how she feels.

After the dentist I ran into town and picked up new glasses, new contacts and my new scleral lens.  I can see under all kinds of conditions now!  

Spent some time in the hide this afternoon too - didn't get any particularly special images but had an enjoyable outing just the same.  

And of personal historical note - 17 years ago I was diagnosed with a brain tumor (a little HERE) and 4 years ago on this day I got what I thought would be a routine mammogram - which lead a breast cancer diagnosis several weeks later.  These things don't define me, but they are certainly part of my story.  


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