I mentioned that the cadre of male red-winged blackbirds is back in our garden now, just as they are every year at this time. And while they are practicing their songs, they have not yet gotten fully engaged in the impressive wing displays. So this rather bland image is, I hope, a prelude to one that shows the impressive flare of red shoulders.
I had a routine visit with my cardiologist this morning. BP and cholesterol are in great shape and other than a faint murmur, my heart appears to be just fine. He reminded me that I need to the travel MD before my trip to Brazil since I will be in places where mosquito-born disease is common.
Jax and I enjoyed some time outside today before the rain started this afternoon. It was quite pleasant out and warm enough that I only needed a fleece jacket. Jax seemed to be really enjoying himself, too, and wasn't begging to come in. Poor thing really doesn't do well when the temps go below freezing - he just becomes a 65 pound bundle of unhappiness!
I did not watch the presidential address last night. I knew it would just irritate me and I also knew I could read a relatively unbiased account of it this morning, so I retired upstairs with a good book while Hubs suffered through about an hour of it. Bombastic comes to mind. As do quite a few pejoratives that I don't need to repeat. And plenty of bad behavior on both sides of the aisle - why is it acceptable for politicians to behave like savages, showing not even a modicum of common courtesy???
Hubs is off to Akido tonight so I will probably watch the latest episode of "The Americas". Such a well-done nature program!!
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