
By dunkyc

Tide is high

The theme of our lazy weekend continued with another lie-in this morning.

Eventually we arose and then headed up to my sister’s place for tea and cookies and for the wee ones to get a look at their cousin’s new play house, which was awesome.

Unfortunately, it does have a fairly low hanging gable end and despite warnings, The Youngest banged her head quite badly.

Aside from this, we the grown ups were actually able to sit with a brew and hold a conversation for a little while, whilst the children all played together outside. Eventually though, tempers started to fray and with The Youngest still rubbing her head, we said our goodbyes and headed over to Grange over Sands - stopping en route at the latest Greggs store for lunch.

Shockingly, Grange was not sunny and instead pretty chilly. In addition, the tide was also in, which we haven’t seen there in a very long time. The presence of the water gently lapping against the sea wall seemed to bring with it a certain calm and stillness as we made our way to the small football pitch for a kick about.

It was great fun. The wee ones played nicely, passed to each other and well and truly got the giggles when I declared myself “football Jesus”.

The remainder of the afternoon was just as relaxed and lovely.

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