I don’t usually go more than six weeks without having my hair cut, especially now it is much shorter, but this time, I had gone seven weeks, and it was beginning to look a bit messy.
Mr. HCB was due to come with me this week to have his hair cut, but because his head wound was quite inflamed, we felt it might be best to leave it - although he desperately needs a hair cut - otherwise people will begin to think he is in training to be a hippie! However, he did come into the salon and sat patiently waiting whilst the lovely Fran cut my hair.
You can see by the various expressions on Fran’s face that she thinks six weeks is long enough between haircuts too. The first shot at the top left shows her looking at my messed up hair, just after it had been washed - next on the right she is about to wield the hair trimmer, but I did make sure she hadn’t got it on the wrong number because I said I didn’t want to be scalped!
Moving on down, her expression, whilst drying my hair was one of “Oooooh - looking good!” Then it was time for the finishing touches after applying some IQ serum, when I was hoping that it would also do something for my IQ! It got me thinking how good it would be, if by osmosis, we could gain extra intelligence, kindness, sensitivity and common decency with just a few squirts of IQ serum, rubbed in well and massaged into the head to help it along. Now that might be a good idea for certain people in the world right now - so perhaps I should work on producing something like this!! Who knows, it could even be a best seller!
We made further appointments with Fran for the next three months, because she leaves towards the end of June to have her second baby, although Mr. HCB has an appointment for next Tuesday, so hopefully, he will soon look less dishevlled.
We then wandered down to have a look in our favourite Charity shop, DEBRA, the charity supporting those living with the rare, extremely painful, genetic skin blistering condition, epidermolysis bullosa (EB), also known as “butterfly skin”, hence the butterflies adorning the walls in the shop. They always have wonderful displays in the shop and also in the windows, and today was no exception. One of the “glamorous assistants” was making a “Mother’s Day” display just inside the door, so I managed to persuade her to stand by the display to have her photograph taken - which reminds me, Mr. HCB has a number of jigsaw puzzles to take back to be resold.
Mr. HCB has just been back to see the nurse - there is no infection in the wound, but there is quite a scab and she said that they don’t like to leave wounds like that without seeing what’s underneath. She has therefore put another dressing on it after coating it with some wound gel, which according to the blurb on the box will “cleanse, decontaminate and moisturise” it, ready for him to see her again on Friday. He was pleased that she said he could go out into the garden as long as he doesn’t rub his head with dirty hands!! Mmmmm - that might be an issue!
We are out to our first Lent Home Group tonight - with the promise of pancakes for Shrove Tuesday - so we are looking forward to that. We don’t normally give up anything for Lent - and this year will be no different - however, we will try to be more kind and loving towards others - and I’m sure the Silly Saturday Gang will be happy about that and may even be doing the same!
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