
By Green56

Viva Las Vegas

Wow wow wow wow wow is all I can say about Vegas. I walked around last night amazed, it is everything they say. You walk miles in the hotel just to find the lift up to your room. As you walk in any hotel there are lots of fruit machines and the gambling tables and it is so noisy. We got the monorail to the theatre to see cirque de soleil and I chatted to a lad from Manchester. The show was spectacular . Afterwards Dianne, Wayne, Jan and I went on the big wheel which they call the high roller. I got a cocktail which cost the earth at the bar just as you get on, it was so strong and all I had before the show was cheesecake it went straight to my head!!! The views were amazing especially of the sphere. We met up with the others but I had to eat when we got off before coming back to the hotel. I fell into bed and was out like a light. On our way here we stopped at the hoover Dam it was magnificent. We are just walking round today then it’s Donny Osmond tonight.
I have put a few extras which will be removed in time.

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