Capital adventures

By marchmont

Out and about

Once again I was awake on Bali time and so got up to start revising the Apartment info. And then suddenly it was 10 am. Unlike yesterday the sun didn't come up between the Twin Towers. Instead it balanced on the pinnacle of the  northerly one. The extra shows the sun at 7.33 yesterday and today. What a difference a day makes.

It was hot and I wore my hat as I walked up to 163 to check some stuff out. I'm at the stage when all the things I put off doing earlier I now have to cram into a few days. 

Had lunch at Mercat the Spanish tapas bar. I thought it was really expensive naive until I realised I was doing a Ru not an RM conversion. Ordered some birthday stuff for Amelia and did some grocery shopping for tonight. Arranged my last massage for next week. I'm now getting the Hari Raya promo. 

The shops are full of dates and Ramadan cookies. Dates and water is how you break fast before the full after meal. Sunrise is at 7,
23 here and sunset at 7.27.  It is a long time to go without food but even more so water in this hest and humidity. I look at the Malays ad I pass them by and wonder how they are coping especially as they are surrounded by people eating and drinking  The open area at the Verve Shops where the God of Prosperity sits is now decorated green and gold for Ramadan. 

Back home I spent ages ordering some bedding and then went over to HK with the good. Dinner was pancakes, sweet and savoury. No religious connotations for us being ex Presbyterians and a nominal Buddhist but they were good. 

It was so hot and sticky that I finally made it fit an evening dip under the new moon but it was short lived as now there is a huge electrical storm and thunder threatens. 

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