We All Stand Together...
......the frog chorus was in full voice around the pond last night. The noise they make is incredible and I sat listening until it was time to collect Nancy from the station. Not, however, as noisy as the shouty thrush at 5am this morning. It must have been on the roof ridge above our velux window and it was a rude awakening....almost like having the cat back again. I couldn't get back to sleep and not even marmalade on toast could shake my funk, until I realised it's pancake day and I cheered-up a bit.
After collecting the emptied wheely bins from the road-end, I jumped on the 'kerosene express' for 45mins of cycling on the spot, before heading back in to the house to chat to our builder online about home improvement stuff.
An afternoon of bread-making, admin and pancake tossing awaits. I reckon I'm a great tosser.
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