Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Glorious Sunshine!

Another beautiful day! Little Man and I went to church this morning. We were meeting just down the road from our home so we didn't need to leave until just after 10 o'clock, so we had a slow morning. I took this photo on route to church. It was -2⁰C (28.4⁰F) when we got up, with thick mist (which quickly disappeared thanks to the sun). The temperature rose to about 8⁰C (46.4⁰F). There has no wind so to speak of, which meant that it felt lovely!

Church was super relaxed and we really enjoyed ourselves. Little Man had fun with the other youngsters there. There were one or two occasions when an adult had to step in and resolve small disagreements that arose over sharing toys. However, this is to be expected with children.

We walked home, with Little Man going straight into the garden to play. He spent over an hour outside, getting muddy and having fun. It gave me the chance to do a few things in the house, and bring some more wood in without having to worry about where Little Man was. About an hour after I brought the wood in, he wanted to get some more, so we got a few pieces together. He loved helping me.

So all in all, today has been a good one.

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