Tiny tears ….
Every picture tells a story, and here Lili’s tiny tears tell of this morning’s trauma.
You may remember that Lili has syndactyly - she has one set of fused fingers and toes on each limb. The toes will be left untreated, but today she has surgery at Alder Hay Children’s Hospital to separate the fingers on her right hand.
Of course it’s a traumatic day for mum and dad too, particularly Solveig who is with Lili as she is anaesthetised. The delicate procedure takes around 90 minutes and after a further 30 minutes, she’s back with her parents. She seems fine when with she’s with the nurses, but as soon as she sees Daniel and Solveig, she gets really upset - because she can I suppose.
In this shot (obviously taken by Daniel) she’s calmed down and is eating some banana with her left hand while her right hand is heavily bandaged - the doctors have described it as a chicken drumstick!
She’s allowed home in the afternoon and after a sleep seems back to her usual form - there’s a couple of extra shots of her laughing with mum and enjoying her tea - bandaged hand and arm safely ensconced within a plastic dressing cover. The bandages are supposed to stay on for two weeks before the wound is redressed - it’ll be interesting to see the state of them by then!
And Nana has a hospital visit today too. It’s an overdue catheter change which goes very smoothly now I have one specific nurse allocated to the task! No tears here I’m relieved to report!
Thanks to GillyH and LesleyAlsford. for hosting!
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