Casamix Tostapane 614....
......not just any toaster, but an chic Italian toaster.
Our second holiday villa last week had nothing for making toast, so I purchased this high fashion device for 19 euros. However, come the end of the holiday I couldn't bring myself to part with it, so it was packed into my hand language and transported home. Inevitably, I was stopped at airport X-ray and quizzed. The conversation in Italian went something like this....
Italian Security Guard, "What is it?"
Me, "It's a toastapane"
ISG, "What?"..........puzzled look
Me, "A toastapane"
ISG to her colleague, "He says it's a toastapane"
Colleague to ISG, "He's clearly mental"
ISG to me, "Ok, take your toastapane, but remember to declare it at British customs"
ISG, "Prego"
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