This is the day

By wrencottage

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Some of you will understand when I say I’m more of a Martha than a Mary. Thus when I was laid low last week and got behind with all my jobs I felt a bit overwhelmed. I’m pleased to say I’m feeling a lot better now and have caught up on sleep, resulting in me having a hugely productive day today. (Maybe it’s also something to do with the blue skies and sunshine that we’re having at the moment too!)

I walked up to church late this afternoon to deliver 42 cards to the church office. They each have a photo on the front showing our church with a rainbow arching over the spire, and they are sent on the first anniversary to people who had a funeral service held at the church for someone close to them. Each card will have a hand written personal note inside to let them know we are thinking of them and praying for them.

This banner outside church is new. It only went up a week ago, and today was the first time I’d seen it. It’s really long, and it showcases the huge variety of activities which take place in the church and the Atrium café. 

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