Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Spring blossoms

Today was a another perfect spring day, sunny with blue skies and very mild. It was cold first thing this morning with frost but the day developed into such a lovely day, I feel as if we have seen the back of winter now (fingers crossed). The blossoms are just starting to come out as can be seen here.

I have regularly clear out wardrobes of old clothes so while my wardrobes are up to date, I needed to  tackle the linen and bedding cupboard today. I had old duvets from when the boys were students and from when they were young children. I really will never use those again so it's off to the charity shop with them. I washed three down duvets today to pack away for possible future use but thankfully my linen and bedding cupboard has been trimmed down to essentials only.

Luke, Meriel, Tommy and Inca are still in Seville and return to their respective homes tomorrow. They have had warmish but wet weather, I think we have had better weather here.

Gavin had his first post op checkup with the surgeon today. All is fine and the dressings were changed. He sent me a photo of the incision in his back where the cyst was removed and it’s so much larger than I expected, no wonder it’s been so uncomfortable for him.

Tonight our camera club meeting is a zoom talk on infra red photography which I will probably miss as I am not really interested in that.

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