You Know You’re Feeling Better…
… If you feel like making a few cakes.
(And you’ve received some lovely home-made jam with which to fill them).
I made soup for lunch too! (Two wins today).
Also (less of a win, more of a ‘sin’) I have treated myself to some new cake tins. (They haven’t arrived yet). Because, I have been mildly fed-up for many years with allegedly ‘smart’ cake-baking tins that go all rusty in their tight little non-stick ‘we’re the best’ rolled up edges.
I line the tins so it’s not the end of the world to manage the rust…
But today, I thought, ‘I am a grown-up sensible (?) woman. I need my cake-tins to be functional and clean. I’m in charge (of my cake-tin drawer). And rust is a thing up with which I shall no longer put’.
As it turns out it’s MUCH more of a challenge than you’d think, to find cake tins (with removable bottoms) without a rolled edge. (Assuming they even show illustrations of the tins without blooming cake in them! What did they think we wanted to put in them? A tasteful display of Wensleydale? Honestly).
I like a challenge. So. I found some and have treated myself to a pair of seven AND eight inchers. And they cost a pretty penny.
Then I threw caution totally to the wind (for free postage) and bought a brownie tin too.
I might need a little lie down.
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