Love Cake And Pop Art
After another early run in the drizzle, which was in no way an improvement on yesterday, and some more exercise it was time for a quick pint 'n' fries at The Oak On The Green at Bearsted before what turned out to be a 40 minute road trip to locate the missing ingredient - buttermilk - to make the pistachio 'love' cake (it appears the only reason it's called a love cake is due to the recipe appearing in such close proximity to Valentine's Day) I mentioned in yesterday's blip. It involved visiting three supermarkets and getting stuck in roadworks before finally being able to acquire the fermented dairy liquid I required.
So the afternoon was spent mixing, stirring, blitzing and finally baking my love cake. Happily it was delicious served later with a hot orange and lemon syrup, a scattering of whole pistachios and ice cream.
My image was another attempt at taking a shot of the tulips that I'd resolutely failed to capture a couple of days ago. It looked fine, if a bit boring, so I decided I might as well give them some Pop Art treatment!
So just the average kind of day - a buttermilk road trip, baking a love cake and trying to be a poor man's Andy Warhol! :-)
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