Fringilla coelebs
Catching some rays at the top of a tree and singing loudly. There was a lot of bird activity in the trees and on the river this morning. The chaffinch is commonplace but no less attractive.
My agenda today is a 1:1 yoga session this morning and my usual Monday yoga class tonight. You'd think with all this yoga that I'd be the most supple woman on the planet but far from it. Very far from it in fact. It's all maintenance now, not reaching the dizzy heights.
In between times I'm walking with a friend. It'll be good to see her and catch up. I have committed to doing 310,000 steps in March with some old work buddies. One of them chairs a voluntary organisation in Edinburgh which supports women into work. I can't fundraise because I have to pester people for Kiltwalk support and asking for sponsorship once a year is quite enough. But I have said I'll do some awareness raising so here is a link to the charity. I walk a lot so an average of 10K steps a day shouldn't be too difficult to achieve. It's good to get extra steps in the bag though because I can average it out over the month.
It feels like spring here.
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