still trucking...

By johnsmiley1321

Tired Tiger

Tiger is so tired of the changes that I let him sleep three hours on my lap this morning. My mom was pretty much out of it today as she kept asking me to call dad to have him come over. Instead of her normal maple bar, I got her a butterhorn danish. I saw them last week but with the cost being $3 dollars more, I skipped them. The next day I reminded myself that I don't know how many Sundays I have left with her so I won't make that mistake again.

This afternoon I got the new place already for Tiger tomorrow. The apartment place requires a clean bill of health before moving in so tomorrow he goes to the vet and then to the new place. Tonight is the last night at the house and tomorrow night will be the first night for Tiger and I at the apartment.In the extras are the community kitchens that run throughout the complex. Yes you can have family and friends over at these community areas.

Back to work tomorrow night...

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