This Amethyst ring belonged to a great aunt who died without heirs, so she had beforehand decided that my mother would be her general heir. We used to laugh about this ‘decree’ , as we all knew her as extremely frugal. She lived in a two room apartment with small kitchen and a bathroom. She had neither a tv nor a radio as she didn’t want to pay the monthly fees for their use (as you have to do in Germany).she never went to a restaurant or a cinema. She had 7 books and read these over and over again.
Unfortunately nobody was around when she got a stroke and fell in her kitchen. It took two days before a neighbor noticed that it was very silent above her.
She died shortly after her arrival in hospital.
She left nearly half a million Euros to my mom, which after deduction of the taxes, left her with a comfortable cushion for her old age and even allowed her to give each of her children a nice amount.
My share helped to buy a house here. When I look at this ring, I feel very grateful.!
Yesterday I visited a mineral store in Yachats looking for amethyst pieces.
This store was the most amazing mineral store that I have ever seen.(some extras)
I do believe that even stones have an energy that can influence us. Amethyst is said to help mastering your addictions.
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