Shadows on ice

Another incredible spring day. I popped over to the park and liked the cottonwood shadow on the grass and out onto the very rotten ice. A little editing and blip was done.
I finally met my neighbor. He's very nice and chatty. We probably talked for almost an hour. Then my friend Kelli came over and brought me a really good mountain bike to use. She had sold it to friends and they moved but didn't want to take it and just gave it back to her. So I get to see how it works for me. It's been a long time since I've biked on trails but there are so many good one on Pilot Hill that I haven't gotten to because it's too far to walk.
Then I went to see Jan, the partner of Steve who just passed. It was a really good visit. Her sister is there for the moment and helping Jan out.
Now I'm home and tired from all my visiting today and standing out in the sun!
Two snow storms coming this next week. This weekend was just a tease.

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