Spring Lake Panorama
We both passed the final test of our fitness to join the human race this morning, taking Spike up the hill above Spring Lake. The weather promised to be quite changeable with possible thunderstorms and hail, but none of those materialized, although there is a very chilly wind. I liked the light on the Mayacamas Mountains and Rincon Valley.
By the time we got up to what we rather possessively call 'Spikes Meadow' the light had changed again. The Frog Pond is off limits for Spike because the newts are spawning there. There's been enough rain to knock down a lot of the bullrushes and fill the pond, but it is quite shallow and a bit murky looking so we're happy to leave it to the frogs, newts and newt watchers....
It was a good test as it's quite a steep hill, but still a short walk, and we both felt as if we've gained reasonable levels of stamina and lost the Covid brain fog. It was great to be out again.
I finished the last touches on the star coat and will show a picture of it soon, but making it up the hill and enjoying one of Spike's favorite places with him was the accomplishment of the day.
I heard an interesting podcast called On the Media (WNYC Studios) today which discussed all the ways the Felon has used the media to create an imaginary world (my words) around himself and his followers. It's not as astonishingly hard to understand why these people are still following him when one understands just how thoroughly they view the world through his lens. Several of his cabinet members come directly from their connection with Far Right media outlets with no qualifications for whatever job they are supposed to be doing other than parroting him. The regular politicians, particularly the Democrats, are nowhere to be found, even in the more liberal press that I follow.
We're resuming our Sunday night dinner with Jim and Dana and possibly Peter and his girlfriend, Phoebe tonight. It's nice to be back to a 'normal' routine again, although I use the term loosely....
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